Intuos4 - What's New


Powerful, Yet Sensitive

Featuring the new Wacom Tip Sensor, you'll now realize precision and control beginning with only a single gram of pen pressure. With every stroke, Intuos4 captures even the most subtle nuances of pressure, giving you the creative power to dynamically adjust exposure, brush size, line weight, opacity and more by pressing harder or softer with the new Grip Pen.

恩~大約是說Intuos4使用了Wacom Tip Sensor 的技術,可以精準到幾乎可以判別一克的力道的差異,如此精妙的設計可以讓你精確的經由壓感,漂亮且完美的動態控制筆刷大小,線的粗重,透明度還有許多許多的功能...(下次Wii可以跟WACOM合作拿來玩超執刀了)


Working Under Pressure

With 2048 levels of pen pressure sensitivity, Intuos4 gives you the creative power to dynamically adjust exposure, brush size, line weight, opacity and more.

歐~這是重點阿,新一代Intuos4具有2048階的壓力感應,那麼你就可以防止畫出來的頭髮跟腳毛一樣粗 XD。(後面的話跟前面那段大同小異)


The Keys To Success

Work smarter not harder. Set-up the Intuos4 ExpressKeys™ to activate your own unique, time-saving shortcuts and modifiers in each of your applications. With Intuos4, remembering your shortcut settings is now as easy as casting a quick glance at the tablet. Each ExpressKey is now equipped with an accompanying illuminated display providing a constant reminder of the key's application-specific function.*

天阿,ExpressKeys的專利技術,可以讓你自行定義快速鍵的使用(前代就有了),但是新的一代多了顯示功能,免得你忘記自己設定了什麼,據說是OLED阿 (閃爆了),但是S Size不具備此項顯示功能 XD


Speed Ring

The finger-sensitive Touch Ring allows you to control up to four different functions in each application for on-the-fly adjustments such as zooming, scrolling, brush size, canvas rotation, and more.**

什麼? Intuos4 可以可以聽隨身聽!喔不不不~這不是i-pod ,新的轉轉輪的設計可以讓你快速的放大縮小,旋轉、調整筆刷大小...等功能,應該可以設定為快轉音樂吧,我想...(DJ必備良品)


Left, Right, Left

The innovative, ambidextrous design of Intuos4 allows you to maximize the productivity of both your hands. By placing all of the ExpressKeys and the Touch Ring on the same side of the tablet, they are in the perfect position for use with the hand that is not holding the pen. Simply rotate the tablet 180° degrees, and change a single control panel setting, to adjust the tablet from a right-handed to a left-handed configuration.

Intuos4可以讓你轉個方向畫,當你畫不順手呢,你可以將繪圖板轉個180度在畫,不爽的話轉個360度也行,重點是,熱鍵設置與OLED顯示也會跟著轉,乍看是很奇怪的功能,其實是為了方便左撇子的人用的呢!(徐光中也許可以買兩張,一手一張寫新詩,一手一張寫新詞 XD,手寫辨識威阿~)


Mouse Included

There is even room for a mouse on this professional pen tablet. Completely redesigned, the new five-button mouse moves the cursor based on both the direction and orientation of the mouse, for smooth, accurate tracking across the tablet surface.

挖,為了怕你徹夜玩繪圖板,你的滑鼠寂寞孤單,現在買繪圖板就送滑鼠,與你的滑鼠寶寶作伙伴,他有四個按鍵 (但是要養在繪圖板上才行)



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